7 obsolete date rules, which it is time to forget about

We were taught to think that dates are subject to certain rules. If we observe them, we will be able to interest a man and make him think that he had finally met his only. But do we really have to artificially arouse interest in a man, should follow the rules and not do what we really want?

Remember how in high school you started dating the boy, and the best friend read you a long list of rules that you need to remember? “Do not call the first”, “Do not kiss on the first date”, “Do not be too intrusive”. Favorite romantic comedies only confirmed these “rules” and taught us: you need to be cool, not bother because of the relationship, do not bother him and not go crazy. The best that can be done is to wait for the beautiful prince, who will do everything himself. But dates are needed in order to find the desired. Forget about the rules. Understand what you want and what you need. Seven rules that have to be forgotten for a long time.

1. Do not kiss on the first date. Usually on the first date we try to find out a person and understand whether it is worth going to the second meeting. But even in this situation, physical contact matters. Each has its own level of comfort. Some kiss even before they start dating, others wait a month to kiss the partner on the cheek. Rules should not determine the level of comfort in the physical plan. Only you decide whether to kiss on a first date or not. And no matter what you choose, it will not make you better or worse.

2. Wait for everything a man will pay. Initially, the payment of account was associated with the authorities. Men paid because women did not work and had no source of income. But now we are working, energetic and endowed with the power of women who are worthy of equal partners. So why are we waiting for a man to pay for us? Pay in half for dinner and for a taxi to get home. No wonder we wear trousers along with men.

3. Disagree with sex before the third date. Let’s drop all the rules that you can and cannot do with your body and what deadlines you need to follow. If passion flared up, set your own rules. Whatever you do on the first, second or third date, this will not affect your future as a good wife. If a man condemns you for this, it is clearly not to meet him.

4. Do not acquaint with parents ahead of time. If you still do not want to introduce a potential partner with parents or friends – this is normal. But if you accidentally encounter your mother in a shopping center, you do not need to panic. In any case, we must be open about our desires and expectations from relationships. Acquaintance with parents or friends should not scare away or embarrass your potential partner. Relatives and friends are a big and important part of our life. If you do not want to isolate them from a potential romantic partner, do not do this.

5. Do not believe in friendship between a man and a woman. If we advocate gender equality, this means that we should look at the representative of the opposite sex as a person as a whole. We can have fun with him, enjoy his society, talk and appreciate him without sexual and romantic connotation. Happy relationships really often begin with friendship. But if you are pleased to spend time with a

Cette bague a simplement une forme conçue pour stimuler les deux partenaires en même temps – la saillie de la bague est pressée contre le clitoris et le cialis generique en pharmacie à la vibration, qui en association avec des frictions donne à la fille vraie bonheur. Le bouton de commande est encastré dans le boîtier pour éviter l’arrêt accidentel (et la “course” de l’orgasme). Ce modèle est imperméable, ce qui vous permet de l’utiliser sous la douche.

man and there is no spark between you, do not write him off the accounts as another unsuccessful novel. Perhaps you have found a great friend.

6. Wait for him to take the first step. If you take the first step, it will save a lot of time and energy. For example, you no longer have to sit with a phone in your hand and wait for his call. If you have met a man who is not ready to meet with a strong independent woman who knows exactly what she wants, do not spend time on him.

7. Depict impregnable. It seems to us that a partner who cares less about relationships has more strength in them. But is it really the main thing in love is power? Taking care of relationships is not bad as we are used to thinking. This is fine. We must take care of each other. So what difference does it make who you will be in pairs: “too strong” or one who “care more”? Be sincere in your feelings and desires. When you find a person who is actually not indifferent to you, you should not portray an impregnable.


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