Category: ! Without a column

  • Shame is a reason to become better?

    There is an opinion in society that a person who was shamed for some oversight must necessarily realize his mistakes and want to improve. The psychotherapist Dana Belshchier considers this method of influence destructive and offers a fundamentally different approach. People who turn to a psychotherapist often find a common problem: a certain part of…

  • 7 obsolete date rules, which it is time to forget about

    We were taught to think that dates are subject to certain rules. If we observe them, we will be able to interest a man and make him think that he had finally met his only. But do we really have to artificially arouse interest in a man, should follow the rules and not do what…

  • John Boyn “Boy in striped pajamas”

    This is a book, with its piercing and acute reminiscent of the Korchakovsky “King Matius of the First”. 9-year-old Bruno, the son of the fascist commandant of Auschwitz, and his peer Schmuel, a concluded death camp-what could be in common with these two? Nothing but a fierce boyish friendship arising between them contrary to the…