John Boyn “Boy in striped pajamas”

This is a book, with its piercing and acute reminiscent of the Korchakovsky “King Matius of the First”. 9-year-old Bruno, the son of the fascist commandant of Auschwitz, and his peer Schmuel, a concluded death camp-what could be in common with these two? Nothing but a fierce boyish friendship arising between them contrary to the entire course of world history.

Together contrary to everything

This is a book, with its piercing and acute reminiscent of the Korchakovsky “King Matius of the First”. 9-year-old Bruno, the son of the fascist commandant of Auschwitz, and his peer Schmuel, a concluded death camp-what could be in common with these two? Nothing but a fierce boyish friendship arising between them contrary to the entire course of world history. An ingenuous story in which there is not the slightest sentimentality or pathos, suddenly acquires an universal sound. Talking about Bruno and Shmuel, the writer speaks not only about the tragedy of the Holocaust, but also about the place of the child in the modern mi-re as a whole-about his defenselessness in front of adults, about his right to immunity and

about the indomitable power that lurks in children’s affection.

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